Milwaukee Montessori School

Educating children to graduate as informed, engaged, ethically minded citizens of the world that they inherit.

A co-educational private independent day school for students from 18 months through 8th grade.

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Why ?

Our students experience an academically stimulating curriculum that can keep pace with their interests and learning style.

Here, children gain skills in award winning programs including athletics, technology, foreign language, studio art, and music.

We focus on a Growth Mindset; developing children's work ethic, stamina, frustration tolerance, and helping them to grow emotionally and socially.

Personalized Instruction

We know that learning is never linear, so we meet children where they are. We give children the right lesson at the right time, so they are supported when needed and given space to excel when they crave it.

This is exactly what school should be.

This is how we raise young adults.

Our Programs

We offer programs for children 18 months through 8th grade.
  • Junior High
  • Student Stories

    How to Apply

    The first step in the admission process is to fill out the inquiry. When the inquiry is received by our Director of Admission, she will review it with the Admissions Committee. 

    If the Admissions Committee feels that MMS may be a good fit for your family (we enroll families, not just children!), you will be contacted to schedule a Parent Tour of the school.

    After the parent-only tour, we require all applicants to have a student visit in an effort to assess a good fit.

    Student Work Gallery

    The Latest from Our Blog

    Recess: A Favorite Part of School Day at Milwaukee Montessori School
    By zweil Milwaukee 26 Aug, 2024
    Discover why recess at Milwaukee Montessori School is more than just playtime. Explore how unstructured, student-led breaks contribute to children’s social, emotional, and cognitive development.
    By Zack Weil 23 Jul, 2024
    At MMS, students are avid readers. They begin reading simple Mac and Tab books, then carry a homework folder back and forth for five years and read to their parents to improve oral reading and reading mechanics. Once in upper elementary, our students read one novel, historical fiction, non-fiction, or fiction every other week, and many read more. But why is reading so important for students, and why is reading a full novel (and not the abridged textbook version) so important? Books, more than anything else, teach students about empathy. Maybe not always explicitly, but even the most horrible and villainous characters ever created have some trace of humanity within them. We learn through the mistakes our protagonists make and experience the triumph of their successes when they finally (usually) defeat the evils that plague them. This ability to experience stories through the safety of the page means that we as readers can live through all the horrors of war, the ecstasy of solving a crime, or beating a rival in a championship clinch moment without having to change our lives to do so. We take a pointed approach to this philosophy in our upper elementary classes. Each grade reads around twelve novels a year, along with many short stories, interactive fiction games, and a significant amount of Reading Plus stories of various lexile levels and genres. This considerable amount of literature guarantees that something will resonate with each student and, in turn, spur them on to find something similar to enjoy outside of the confines of the classroom. Keeping our numerous readings varied and consistent has paid dividends in tangible metrics such as higher scores on tests and creating lifelong readers and learners.

    If you are looking for a cutting edge, meaningful school experience that fosters your child’s academic, athletic, artistic, social, and emotional growth, submit an inquiry to begin the application process!

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