Milwaukee Montessori School

Longer School Year Allows for More Well-Rounded Education

New Paragraph

August 3, 2023

MMS has a unique annual schedule where students have eight-hour school days that allow for a truly well-rounded schedule including art, music, athletics, technology, and Spanish classes multiple times per week. The excellence of the co-curricular offerings at MMS is indisputable as MMS students win more art, music, writing, math and technology awards than any other school in the state of Wisconsin.

Small lesson sizes allow for individual attention

One reason that our students excel academically is a result of our small lesson sizes. In our school, lessons consist of one-to-one lessons, small groups of two children, or perhaps six children, and in the upper grades, fourth thru eighth, never more than 12 students attend a given lesson. These low student-teacher lesson ratios encourage close connections between instructors and students and allow teachers to move kids ahead when they are ready - no one waits for a class to catch up. They learn at the pace that works for them. We follow the needs of your child!

Excellent teachers

Independent school instructors and our MMS faculty teach in their areas of expertise. Did you know that just 20% of America’s math teachers have a degree in mathematics? At MMS our faculty are trained in their specialty and never rely on textbooks to provide instruction. This allows teachers to develop a full understanding of each student’s learning style, interests, and motivation.

  • Graduates of independent schools have a far greater likelihood of completing a bachelor’s degree or graduate degree.

Education for the whole child

In addition to academics, independent schools also nurture students’ personal and social growth and civic conscience.

  • Outside the classroom, students participate in school-sponsored athletic competitions, artistic pursuits, Nature's Classroom, Ocean and Landscape Clean-ups, the International Montessori Games in such places (but not limited to) Norway, Mexico, and South America. At MMS we provide a meaningful school experience that challenges children academically and emotionally. 

Learning the Values that You Want for Your Child

Schooling is designed to help children learn how to live successfully in their adult life. MMS students learn how to be respectful, kind to each other, helpful, decent and outwardly focused. 


Independent schools foster diverse and vibrant student communities that welcome and respect every family. While one might think that public schools are more diverse, they enroll students by zip code. MMS enrolls families from all backgrounds. Typically, 53% of our students are non-white, foreign-born, and come from a wide range of economic backgrounds.  Our faculty is diverse too by any standard! MMS parents are willing to invest money and time in travel to get to the right school for their child and because they all value a high-quality education, many travel to bring their children to this school every day. 

A community of parents who actively participate in their children’s education

Independent schools promote regular communication among students, parents, and teachers to ensure everyone is working toward the same goals. At MMS we communicate promptly, we are responsive and make sure that there are no surprises. 

  • As a parent, you can actively engage in your student’s education, because the staff and teachers want and value your participation. What you do at home matters and makes a difference in school!

By Monica Van Aken, Ed.D. March 31, 2025
Last year, when we ordered Johnathon Haidt’s then-new book, The Anxious Generation, we knew it would be a seminal book based on its topic, and it also confirmed that our instincts about technology use among children have been spot on. Haidt proposes four norms that can help restore children to a healthy childhood despite the creep of technology into every area of their lives. At MMS, we had already adopted those norms by 2008, when we became among the very first paperless elementary and middle schools in the nation, earning us recognition as one of six “Schools of the Future,” by the National Association of Independent Schools. Through foresight and implementing these norms over the last fifteen years, we have been able to hold back the tide of problems other schools have had to address.  While we are a high-tech school, it should be clear that our version of tech training doesn’t include ‘passive screen time.’ At Milwaukee Montessori, technology is not a distraction, but a sophisticated tool for intellectual development, creativity, and academic excellence.
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Is Your Civics Knowledge on Par with an MMS Graduate?
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Upon graduating from Milwaukee Montessori School (MMS), your student is likely more prepared to be an engaged citizen than many college graduates! But the question is, are you as prepared as an MMS student?
Who are these kids? – A Backyard Goat Experience for MMS Students
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Master Animation & Art | Techniques, Tips, and Inspiration
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Unleash your creativity with expert tips and techniques in animation and art. Dive into the world of digital and traditional art forms. Start your artistic journey today.
Recess: A Favorite Part of School Day at Milwaukee Montessori School
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By Zack Weil July 23, 2024
At MMS , students are avid readers. They begin reading simple Mac and Tab books, then carry a homework folder back and forth for five years and read to their parents to improve oral reading and reading mechanics. Once in upper elementary, our students read one novel , historical fiction, non-fiction, or fiction every other week, and many read more. But why is reading so important for students, and why is reading a full novel (and not the abridged textbook version) so important? Books, more than anything else, teach students about empathy. Maybe not always explicitly, but even the most horrible and villainous characters ever created have some trace of humanity within them. We learn through the mistakes our protagonists make and experience the triumph of their successes when they finally (usually) defeat the evils that plague them. This ability to experience stories through the safety of the page means that we as readers can live through all the horrors of war, the ecstasy of solving a crime, or beating a rival in a championship clinch moment without having to change our lives to do so. 
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Junior high students engaging in parliamentary debate at MMS
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AI Lessons: Environmental Impact of Large Language Models
By Greg Sukowaty April 18, 2024
Learn about the environmental effects of large language models like GPT and how AI development can minimize carbon footprint.
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