Milwaukee Montessori School


Ravenna Login

The Ravenna online information system is used to update student records, including health, allergy and medical information. It also provides Milwaukee Montessori School with contact information in case of any emergency and gives us information about alternate pickups.

Ravenna allows users to search for parent contact information, find students in a classroom, and find families that live in their zip code to help set up carpools, too!

Please click the link below to update relevant information or view the information already in the system. Contact the Front Desk with any questions pertaining to Ravenna.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I update my profile?

    Once logged into the Ravenna Parent Portal.

    Click on 'My Account'. Select 'Personal Information' to make updates to your profile.

  • How do I add an emergency contact person?

    Be sure to add additional pickup and emergency contacts. Click on 'Parente and Guardians', next to your child's name and below 'View Student' select 'View'. A side tab called 'Other Contacts' will appear, click there. Click '+ New Contact' and fill out all fields. Be sure to click the box next to 'Is Emergency' AND 'Can Pickup'. At MMS, Emergency and Approved Pickup people are the same regardless of which box you check/don’t check. Click the “Save and Back” button.

  • How do I complete student forms?

    Click on “My Forms.” The forms in this link are relevant to your student. Any forms listed as “Required” must be completed before your student will be permitted to attend school.

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