Milwaukee Montessori School

Debating Before Dating

New Paragraph

May 7, 2024

Why MMS Junior High Students are

Mastering Debate as Early as Seventh Grade

While many of us didn't encounter debate teams until high school, at MMS, our junior high students are diving into the world of parliamentary debate as early as the seventh grade. Why introduce debate so early, you might ask? To help our students master the art of public speaking, show them that research is more than just busywork, and help them think under pressure.

Debate strengthens public speaking, research skills, and the elusive ability to think on your feet!

Debate strengthens public speaking, research skills, and the elusive ability to think on your feet!

Debate at MMS isn't just about arguing; it's about crafting persuasive and well-researched arguments, analyzing data, and honing interpersonal communication skills. Our students learn to research thoroughly, understanding not only their position but also the counterarguments they might face, allowing them to anticipate and skillfully rebut the opposition's points.

Let’s face it: public speaking is daunting for many—some might even joke they'd rather face a lightning strike than speak in front of an audience! At MMS, we tackle this fear head-on by integrating public speaking into our curriculum from the start. In junior high, our students regularly stand up and deliver speeches, often within tight time constraints, learning to handle interruptions and clarifications from opponents with grace.

The top skills seen as rising in prominence in the lead-up to 2025 include Analysis, Problem-Solving, Self-Management, Active Learning, Resilience, Stress Tolerance, and Flexibility.

Lastly, students in a debate must take questions from their opponents in front of a live audience, opponents who would like nothing more than to poke holes in their arguments and further their own victory. Taking tough questions in front of an audience is a real-world skill that will deliver huge benefits to our students later in life. 

In essence, at MMS, debate is more than a subject—it's a crucial part of shaping responsible, articulate, and thoughtful future citizens. 

Each MMS graduate takes the stage on graduation night, in a compelling three-minute speech before an audience of more than 100 adults, peers and teachers.

Each MMS graduate takes the stage on graduation night, in a compelling three-minute speech before an audience of more than 100 adults, peers and teachers.

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